Visit a museum with Jade. Museums, such as The Ying Wei Yi Shu Museum of Jade Art, the Seattle Asian Art Museum and the Crow Collection of Asian Art have Jade exhibits. Locate a Chinese Jade exhibit, talk to an Asian art curator and go over a plan for your new Jade collection.
Write a list of jades. Think about what type of jade you want to collect, such as dragons, military, flowers, historical pieces or jade used in Confucian ceremonies.
Choose a Chinese jade dealer. Websites such as Lucky Antique Jade, Jade Bangles and the Jade Jewelry Store, sell quality pieces of jade for amazing prices with guaranteed satisfaction.
Visit local antique stores. Jade can be found at local jewelry stores that specialize in vintage stones. Make friends with the manager, who might be able to help you get special requests for antique jade.
Keep in touch with jade dealers. Networking with them can help you get new jade pieces before anybody else. Trade back items that no longer fit in your collection for newer, more collection worthy pieces.