Things You'll Need
Go to local flea markets and antique fairs. Head to the areas where you see tableware. Fish plates are a very specific thing to collect, so it will be harder to find them than something more general. However, once you do come across one, it will be that much more exciting.
Visit your local antique shops. Regardless of whether you find a fish plate, introduce yourself to the resident dealer. He or she may have some connections or "inside" sources. Tell the dealer if there are any specific qualities you are looking for, such as the period or country of origin.
Look online. Putting the words "antique fish plates" into the search engine will inevitably bring up some results. You may find fish plates on large reseller sites like eBay, or you may find them on collector or antique dealer websites.
Visit your local art history museum and introduce yourself to the curator. He or she may also have connections. All this is part of the networking that collectors should do. People will remember and contact you the next time they come across a fish plate. Also be sure to tell your friends and family to be on the lookout.
Display, store, and organize your plates with care. Plates can be displayed either on hanging racks or on plate stands. Keep them in an area away from windows, because the sun can fade the colors over time. You may want to keep all the plates on display, or display just a few on a revolving basis. Store plates by stacking them with a paper plate between each, then wrap the stacks in plastic. Once you build up your collection, find a way to organize them. This can be by country of origin, historical period, year of acquisition, or any other method that works for you.