Look for typical shaving mug decoration on the exterior of the cup. This decoration usually includes the patron's name.
Establish the specific category of the mug by identifying detailed characteristics. Occupational mugs, for example, depict a trade or profession (the stranger the occupation, the more collectible the mug), but fraternal society shaving mugs portray the insignia of a specific club, such as the Elks Club. Heraldic crests are also common.
Check the inside of the mug for a separate compartment that would have been used to store a shaving brush or soap.
Look for interior ridges, used for easy soap retrieval, and a large opening. Shaving mugs are wider at the mouth than standard coffee mugs.
See whether your mug has a large opening for the brush on its side, which allowed water to drain back into the mug. These special scuttle mugs tend to be more ornate and larger than regular shaving mugs.