Turn the box over and look for a stamp or signature indicating that the piece was made in Limoges. Several companies operate out of this region, including Elda Creations, Limoges Imports, Site Corot and Prevot. Collectors place more value on the boxes with the stamp of the town on the bottom.
Check for a Made in France stamp on the bottom. Not all Limoges boxes were actually made in the town, but some were made in neighboring regions. These boxes generally aren̵7;t as valuable as the ones marked Limoges, but are worth more than those created in other countries.
Run your finger across the bottom of the piece, feeling for the marking. Some Limoges pieces have the signature or marking pressed into the bottom, which is done during the firing process. These pieces are usually authentic, as reproductions paint or stamp the mark on the bottom.
Scratch your fingernail against the bottom of the piece, along the marking or signature. Some makers stamped the bottom and then covered it in a clear glaze. You won̵7;t do any damage to authentic pieces, but on reproductions, you̵7;ll often remove part of the mark or signature when scratching it.
Look for any logo, which indicates what company made the Limoges box. Many companies, including Limoges Castel and Faberge listed their company name on the bottom of the piece, with a trademark ® or copyright © logo next to it. Other companies use a specific marking, such as a crown above the company name.