Things You'll Need
Set like-size dishes in a plastic dishwashing pan to avoid chipping the dishes on the hard surfaces of a sink. Squirt 1 tbsp. mild dishwashing soap in the pan and fill with hot running water. Allow the dishes to soak for 10 to 15 minutes, loosening any stuck-on debris.
Grasp the top dish firmly in one hand and wipe both the front and back with a wet sponge. Rinse the plate under hot running water, taking care not to bump the plate against a faucet or other hard surfaces. Dry dishes thoroughly with an absorbent terry-cloth or microfiber towel.
Store Royal Copenhagen dinnerware in a cupboard or stable china hutch. Stack like-size dishes together---dinner plates in one stack, bowls in another. Display collectible dishes attached to the wall with firm-fitting plate hanger brackets. On a flat surface, display dishes on plate easels with non-skid pads.
Save original boxes and packaging to pack the dishes securely when moving them from one location to another. Collectibles typically retain a higher value when in the original boxes and with original paperwork intact. Wrap dishes without boxes individually in ink-free newsprint and bubble wrap for transport.
Dust Royal Copenhagen dishes on display with a soft feather duster or microfiber cloth. Wash displayed dishes at least once a year to avoid a buildup of film from the environment.