Things You'll Need
Put on the plastic gloves. Remove a small portion of the Part A PoYo putty from the plastic container into your hand that is enough to cover the piece of missing plaster on the frame. Knead the putty in your hands into a flat, slightly domed shape circle form.
Squeeze a dollop of Part B (Part B is purple in color) PoYo putty into the center area of the flattened piece of Part A. Make the dollop about one third of Part A.
Fold Part A around Part B and mix the two portions together to create a uniform mixture the color of light purple. When finished, shape the mixture into a flat, circular form.
Press the flat circular putty form into the area of the frame where the plaster is missing, allowing excess putty to wrap around the bottom of frame molding. When dried, this form will become the putty mold.
Cut the tongue depressor into small strips slightly less than the width of the putty that is on the frame. These pieces of tongue depressor will be used as support legs for the putty mold. Mix additional putty to embed these supports into the back of the mold. Wait five minutes for the mold with the embedded supports to set up and become solid.
Carefully lift and remove the putty mold off the frame, being careful not to damage the inside impression mold you have just made. This will be the mold that you will make your copy from. It will have a rubber consistency.
Pour equal parts of the SmoothCast 320 resin, Part A and Part B, into seperate paper cups in an amount (when later mixed together) to match the size of your mold. Do not mix them together yet. Set Part A to the side.
Add the metal powders to the Part B cup of the SmoothCast 320 resin to create a gold color. Pour a spoonful of bronze powder into Part B first. Then pour an equal spoonful of the brass powder into Part B cup. Mix the powders in the Part B cup together to a liquid consistency.
Pour the contents of the Part A cup of the resin into the Part B (with metal powders) cup and mix thoroughly.
Extract the final mixed colored resin from the cup with the syringe. Use the syringe to gently pour the mixed resin into the mold until mold is full to the brim. Allow the mold to sit for 20 minutes at room temperature (72 degrees Fahrenheit).
Remove the final positive resin casting from the original putty mold. Trim your casting with the artist's fine utility knife to match the edges of the piece missing from the frame. Sand the sharp edges with the steel wool.
Highlight the resin casting with the shoe polish. Seal the casting with acyclic spray before applying. Glue casting into place with silicone glue.