Early Chairs
Some of the earliest chairs were simply raised platforms with legs and no backs. You can see these on Grecian urns and ancient Roman mosaics.
Rocking Chairs
The first rocking chairs were made by affixing wooden skates to existing wooden chairs. One of the earliest examples of these types of chairs dates to 1710 in England.
A precursor of the easy chair, the first armchairs began to surface in England in the mid-1700s. They were constructed of carved wood with the arms and legs exposed and the seat and back covered in silk upholstery or other fine fabrics. Similar designs also cropped up in Italy in the 1620s.
Wingback Chairs
First emerging in the late 1700s in New England and England, both unpadded and padded versions of the wingback chair became quite popular. These remained popular throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.
Chairs from 1930 to 1950
While Shaker-style wooden chairs were popular during this period, wooden easy chairs with low, slingback profiles also emerged and were covered in upholstery or vinyl cushions.