The CR mark appears as CR or C and R, and stands for Cohn &Rosenberger, the earliest incarnation of Coro. The imprint features a large capital C with a capital letter R in a slightly smaller pica size resting at its side. If the mark appears as "C and R," the word "and" bisects the letter C.
Early History
The partners, Emanuel Cohn &Carl Rosenberger, founded the company in Rhode Island in 1902, and incorporated their venture in 1914.
From the onset, the company featured imported costume jewelry pieces, mixed with work from a stable of designers who developed original work and adapted popular styles.
The widely recognized Coro name appeared on jewelry concurrently with other marks, but was officially adopted in 1947, when the company name was officially changed to Coro.
Other Marks
Additional imprints of the company include the premium lines of Vendome and Francois, and moderate lines such as Corocraft.