About Chain-Wound Clocks
Chain-wound clocks are kept running by a system of pulleys and weights. The weights at the ends of several chains pull downward, causing the gears in the clock's mechanism to turn. Once the weights reach the end of the chains, the clock will stop since the weights are no longer moving the gears. The clock is wound by gently pulling the chain so that the weight rises and can begin pulling downward again. Most chain-wound clocks have two chains: one to operate the hour-hand gear and one to operate the minute-hand gear. They also have a pendulum which moves a gear in the mechanism to activates the gears pulled by the chains and weights. If the pendulum stops, the weights will stop moving as well.
How To Change the Time on a Chain-Wound Clock
When a chain-wound clock needs to be reset, it is very important to do so correctly. You cannot simply turn the hands on the clock to the correct time without risking damage to the gears.
In order to reset a chain-wound clock, you first need to stop the pendulum. This stops the clock's mechanism from running on its own. Then, you need to pull the chains so the weights are at the top. Next, gently turn the minute hand forward until the clock reaches the hour mark. If the clock has chimes, allow it to go through the full cycle of its chimes before moving the hand again. Finally, pull the chains gently so that the weights are back at the top.
Repeat these steps until you have reached the correct time, allowing the clock to chime and pulling the chains back up at the top of each hour mark. Never, ever turn a chain-wound clock backwards. Their gears are made to turn in only one direction and you can easily damage the mechanism.
Once you have reached the correct time, pull the chains so that the weights are back at the top. Ensure that the weights and chains are not swinging at all and gently start the pendulum moving again. The pendulum should swing left to right with no backwards or forwards angle. The clock should run properly now, but be sure to come back before 24 hours have passed to pull the weights back up again: chain-wound clocks must be wound once a day.