Locate any serial numbers that are on your Hamilton pocket watch. These will become more important in the identification process down the line.
Contact an appraiser in your area. If you don't know where to find one, search the American Society of Appraisers or you can visit the website of an online appraiser, like Antique Appraisals.
Cross-reference any appraisal with eBay if your pocket watch can be found on the auction site. If a similar watch isn't currently being auctioned by someone else, check websites like GoAntiques or even Watch-Prices because they may have the hard-to-find pieces.
Purchase insurance for your watch provided its worth enough to justify the cost; it would be under a personal articles policy that can be easily drawn up by a licensed agent. This can protect against theft.
Join an organization, such as the National Association of Watch &Clock Collectors. The information you'll gather from NAWCC can prove to be invaluable.