Look first for any insignia -- applied decals that would indicate a particular unit, rank or role. During World War II, the German authorities were prolific in issuing these not only to the army but to civilians, such as air raid wardens. These decals were produced by the best printing firms in Germany and originals have survived remarkably well. If you are looking at an object with a decal that is faint, scratched or half-obliterated, then it's probably a fake.
Consider the condition of the item. Any items which look -- and smell -- brand new should be dismissed right away. But what if a fake has been distressed to look old? In that case, you need to think carefully about the pattern of wear. On a dagger, you might expect to see a couple of nicks or dents around the point of the blade where it has been used to open tin cans. With a helmet, look at its leather lining -- there should be a build-up of sweat stains. In every case, use your imagination and common sense to ask yourself whether the pattern of wear is credible.
Check items of clothing including helmets, belts and boots for inked or impressed stamps indicating the size, date of production and the manufacturer. However, on a complete uniform, don't necessarily expect all of the dates to match, as pieces may have been replaced at different times.