Vintage is a word that can have several meanings. Its primary definition is "of old, recognized and enduring interest, importance or quality." It can be used as a noun or as an adjective, and is usually associated with the quality of aging, enduring or improving over time.
The word "vintage" is a combination of the Latin of vinum, or "wine," and demere, or "to take off." A "vintage" was originally the yield of a season's harvest at a vineyard.
Today in wine-making, "vintage" means the process of picking grapes for the purpose of producing a finished wine product. A bottle of wine's "vintage" is the year in which the grapes that produced it were originally harvested.
Other Uses
In the nineteenth century, "vintage" began to be used to signify in general something being old, old-fashioned, classical, or "from another time." In this way, objects other than wine began to be referred to as "vintage," including furniture, books, cars, clothing, and musical instruments.
In most nonviticultural contexts, "vintage" is generally used as a euphemism for "old" or "old-fashioned." However, in antiquing, an object or item is considered "vintage" if it was manufactured between 1830 and 1930. In car collecting, a vintage car is one made between 1919 and 1930.