Search for information on your car. Learn any distinctive information about your antique car that buyers may be interested in knowing. How many cars of that model were built is a common question. Look for areas that may have more interest in your model of vehicle than other areas, such as a car show or a museum.
Join a car club or a car show. A club or show geared toward antique cars will insure that you will have several people around who may be interested in the car you wish to sell. Take time to speak with people at the event to learn the condition of your car. Check out cars for sale at the club or show to see how much your car may be worth.
Sign up for antique car websites. Pick a website that has vehicles that most closely match the car you are selling. These websites will not only give you information to help you sell an antique car but have classified pages. Search for your car type then look for the prices of similar antique cars. Place a classified ad to sell an antique car on the website you have chosen. Some classifieds may be free or may charge a small listing fee.
Auction your car on an auction website, such as eBay. An online auction will allow many more people to view your car than if you took it to a car show. Be prepared to pay listing fees and selling fees when you sell an antique car on an online auction website. These fees can range from a flat fee to a percentage of the selling price.
Sell an antique car at a local car auction. Search for an auction near your home. The amount of people viewing your car will be much less than many other options. Call the auction and ask if they have a special sale throughout the year that is just for antique and classic cars. Selling your car at this sale would be beneficial because the buyers would be there specifically for those types of cars. Fees at an auction will be higher than those found online and will generally be a percentage of the sale.