Know your interests. You might love work from a particular period, a certain type of item, or even a specific designer or company. You can buy with the goal of creating a collection or simply buy items you love. Antique shopping requires a good knowledge base to avoid buying poor quality or damaged items. Pricing is widely varied and researching antiques can help you get a good price on items you love.
Gather your resources. There is a lot of information available online about antiques and you may be able to find a number of items of interest. Print magazines aimed at antiques collectors may also be a valuable resource. Also, price and buying guides are available for all kinds of items. These guides include pricing, information on how pricing varies depending upon condition, and may provide additional information about makers, production and more. Knowing what you want before antique shopping can allow you to improve your collection.
Visit antique shops and dealers. Specialist dealers can be particularly helpful. If a shop carries a large selection from a certain period, you may find that the seller is particularly interested in that period or item. This is even true of online sellers and dealers. Take the time to ask questions. Fortunately, many antiques collectors are quite happy to share their knowledge.
When you see examples of antiques you love or find especially intriguing, examine them carefully. Consider keeping a small notebook with information on condition, price and other details. Some dealers may allow you to photograph an item even if you are not buying. If you would like to spend more time researching antiques before you buy, ask if the dealer can hold the item for a short period while you review your resources.
Be flexible. If you love a piece, even if it is not a great bargain or an excellent example of its period or maker, add it to your collection. Avoid allowing researching antiques to take over the pleasure of buying and owning antiques. If your collection changes over time, you may find that you research antiques from a variety of periods and end up with a lovely, diverse collection.