Determine what type of slot machine to collect or buy. The date of the slot machine typically determines the price range, and condition is key for these machines.
Decide on whether the antique slot machine needs to be in working condition or not. Many of these machines no longer function due to age and neglect. Buying an antique machine may require some refurbishing to return it to working order.
Fix a price point or budget for the antique slot machine. Many restored machines sell for prices well into the thousands of dollars. Consider what machines best suit the buyer's needs.
Think about what size slot machine to buy. There are some antique slot machines called character slots that are the size of a real person and are difficult to place in a home or game room.
Consider buying a newer slot machine that appreciates with age. Antique slot machines are very collectible, yet the newer digital slots machines are antiques waiting to be born. Find niche machines, promotional slot machines or machines that are era or fad specific for best results.