Things You'll Need
Purchase a glass collector's price guide that includes a section on American slag glass.
Read articles and learn about purple slag glass online at websites such as Kovels. (See link in Resources).
Join a glass collectors club such as Imperial Glass (see link in Resources) to share your love of purple slag glass with collectors that share similar interests.
Decide if you're going to collect purple slag glass based on a particular pattern, design or manufacturer. Although many people do limit their collections in some manner, many collectors add all varieties of purple slag glass to their assortment. They buy pieces just because of their appeal.
Search online auction sites for purple slag glass to add to your antique glass collection.
Visit antique shops in your area and look for purple slag glass that you find attractive. Tell the shop owner that you collect purple slag glass and they will keep that in mind when they visit other shops, attend auctions and go on shopping trips.
Attend antique and glass shows in your area and be on the lookout for purple slag glass for sale.