Consult your phone book. Antique map dealers may be closer than you think. Call the phone number listings for antique map dealers and inquire about antique maps they have to sell.
Search auction listings for antique maps. Some websites are devoted purely to auctioning antique maps. Other general auction websites can also carry antique maps, but you will have to request a certificate of authentication or another item verifying the map's authenticity.
Conduct an Internet search for antique map dealer websites. Many websites are devoted to buying, selling and collecting antique maps. Check the website's credentials to ensure that they are selling authentic antique maps. A simple Internet search on major search engines may also yield lists of antique map dealers.
Become a member of the International Antiquarian Mapsellers Association. Their website contians information for antique map buyers, sellers and collectors. Get official membership and have access to antique map news, thefts and other map details before the general public does.
Join antique map societies. Electronic and physical societies can refer you to reputable antique map dealers. Make contacts and share your information with others so that they may share theirs with you.
Visit antique map fairs. Serious antique map buyers, sellers and dealers show at antique map fairs. Network and inquire about the particular antique maps in which you are interested.