Purchase an antique toy train identification guide. This is your reference source for identifying and dating antique trains.
Determine the gauge, which is the width of the track, to help identify the age of the antique toy train. Gauge measurement is the distance between the inside edges of the rails.
Check the configuration of the toy train's wheels, called the wheel alignment.
Compare the antique train you are trying to identify to pictures and information you have in your antique toy train identification guide, price guides, antique reference books and catalogs and online resources.
Learn as much as you can about the antique toy trains. Being knowledgeable on the subject will help you to identify those that you may come across.
Bring your antique toy train to an antiques dealer or appraiser who has knowledge in the field of antique toys or antique toy trains.
Visit toy museums, or seek the help of private collectors, to help identify an antique toy train.