Learn as much as possible about antique mesh purses by reading articles and books about them. Pictures will help you to identify a true antique purse.
Join a group, such as the Antique Purse Collectors Society, to share your collecting experience with others that have a similar interest.
Purchase an antique purse price guide that includes a section on mesh purses.
Visit antique stores in your area and let the shop owners know that you collect antique mesh purses. When they go to an auction, on a buying trip or talk to others in their business, they will look for the purses for you.
Attend local auctions and scour flea markets, garage sales and thrift stores on your quest for the antique mesh purse. You just might find a hidden treasure that was stored away in an attic, basement or garage for many years.
Browse online antique stores and auction sites for antique mesh purses.
Display your collected treasures where you can enjoy their intricate beauty.