Check your local newspaper classified ads on Thursdays. Most towns run the majority of the ads for the coming weekend on the Thursday before the weekend. Be sure to check not only in the Estate Sale category, but also look under Moving Sales and Garage Sales. Many newspapers charge a higher rate for an Estate Sale ad then they do for other ads. Some people running an Estate Sale will choose to advertise under Moving Sale or Garage Sale to save on the ad cost.
Go to the website address in advance of the sale if one is given in the ad. This will allow you to get an advance look at the items you would like to buy.
Arrive at the estate sale at least one hour before the actual sale begins. This is very important. Dealers know that the first few people in the door of a good estate sale get the best merchandise. Most estate sales will give you a number when you arrive. That number will be used to determine the order in which they allow people into the sale. Ideally you want your number to be lower then 10. If too many people walk through the sale before you, chances are good that whatever you are looking to buy will be gone when your turn comes.
Go directly to the room that holds the items you wish to purchase when you enter the estate sale. If you were able to view pictures of the merchandise for sale online, chances are good that the pictures also showed you what room of the house the item is in. If you are not sure which direction to head when you enter the door of the estate sale, do not hesitate to ask the person running the sale where the kitchen, den, or living room is in the house. If you were not able to view the items for sale online, you should first head to the room of the house that is most likely to hold the types of items you wish to buy. For example, if you are looking for antique desk clocks, head to the den or office first.
Keep your hands free. It is always a good idea to carry a large bag that you can wear over your shoulder. As you gather items you want to purchase, put them into the bag so that your hands are free for picking up other items.