Take the time to learn not only about these fabulous antique teapots you wish to collect but also about the value of them. It will take some time but is very important in order to avoid being taken advantage of or risk investing too much money in items of inferior quality.
Scour local antique shops. Get to know the proprietors of these shops and let them know that you have a vested and sincere interested in collecting antique teapots. Leave them a card with contact information, including email information; they may contact you when pieces of interest to you come their way.
Go garage sale shopping. One man's junk is another man's treasure and you will probably be amazed at how little people actually understand the value of their possessions. Even if the piece in mind isn't of great monetary value to the genuine collector, it very well could have priceless value.
Visit thrift stores that are run by charitable organizations. Many people donate items that they no longer want or need to these services for the purpose of a tax write-off. Their castoffs may become essential components for your antique teapot collection. Sometimes people rarely take the time to discover the value items that they no longer need.
Travel to estate sales. For genuine antiques that are often high in quality and value estate sales are an excellent resource.
Bid in online auctions. Auctions are another great way to add to a collection of antique teapots. These sites have a wide assortment of treasures available to the serious collector as well as those just beginning. You should take the time to learn the real value of pieces before bidding too much money on them to avoid paying more they are worth. Unless you want to own the item and aren't overly concerned by the cost of the item.