Decide if you want a replica or the real thing. Antique hood ornaments can be expensive. Replicas may fill your collector's need without depleting your bank account.
Consult with local luxury car dealers to see if they know of a novice who specializes in making replica hood ornaments. Classic car dealers may be able to direct you to collectors and manufacturers of antique hood ornaments.
Research on the Internet will give you an abundance of places to shop for a hood ornament. As with anything you shop for, know what it is you are seeking and be aware that some dealers will try to pass off replicas as the real thing.
Choose the era you want to start your collection in and the model car you want to collect hood ornaments for. Everything about buying a hood ornament is about personal preference.
Purchase a hood ornament online and you will probably find the best deals and largest assortment. Know who you are buying from. Check the Better Business Bureau and feel confident in what you decide to buy--don't spend more than you can afford.
Remember to keep an eye out for a good deal. You could find an incredible antique at a local garage sale and then resell at a huge profit.