An antique button charm bracelet displays a collection of the buttons on a single piece of jewelry, while an antique button ring makes just one of the treasured collectibles a focal point. Strap bracelets made of buttons connected with cord, a pendant, and brooches or pins with buttons as the decoration are all examples of jewelry made with antique buttons. Earrings can be made in drop or post style, depending on the style of the button. Glass and metal buttons make especially pretty jewelry items, and some Victorian-era buttons are so decorative that you need only add a chain to make an attractive necklace.
Home Decorations
A clock with buttons as the numbers shows off some of your button collection and can be made with an easy clock kit that has a plain face. A button wreath made of grapevine with your buttons wound around it on ribbon or in bunches would show them off and make an interesting wall piece. Cover a plain vase with a collage of your buttons glued in place like a mosaic for a homey way to display both flowers and your buttons. Decorate picture frames, tablecloths, place mats or other everyday items with your treasures.
Useful Items
Buttons can be used for more than just closing your pants. Antique buttons can be transformed into other daily use objects that allow you to display the buttons you've collected while serving a useful purpose. A ribbon bookmark with a button top keeps the ribbon from sliding out and displays the button front and center at the top of the book. Curtain tiebacks with a large antique button add interest to your window treatments. Napkin rings made from a string of buttons sewn in a hoop or even a strip of ribbon with buttons sewn around it hold your dinner napkins in style.
Displaying the Collection
Some buttons are much too valuable and collectible to be used as any old craft or jewelry item. For these, creating a display for the best pieces in your collection is the way to go. A shadow box with a black velvet backing could house a matched set of ornate buttons or rows of different buttons nestled in rows. Framed and enclosed in glass, the buttons are protected from dirt or damage.