Things You'll Need
Wipe all the dust from the inside of the humidor with a clean rag or cloth.
Fill a sponge or wash cloth with distilled water. Squeeze any excess water out, making it damp, but not dripping wet.
Wipe the inside of the humidor with the damp sponge or wash cloth. Apply one coat, let it dry, and apply another. Do this a couple of times.
Set the wet sponge or wash cloth inside the humidor on a small piece of plastic. This will prevent the sponge from lying directly on top of the cedar wood inside of the humidor. This will help the wood absorb more moisture.
Place the lid on the humidor. For the next couple of days, the water or moisture will soak into the cedar wood.
Open the lid of the humidor and remove the sponge or wet wash cloth.
Look at the hygrometer already on the humidor or place one inside of the humidor. Hygrometers check the humidity in a humidor, which should be around 70 percent.
Add a gel humidifier to your box to maintain the proper humidity of your humidor.