Decide on the type of lighter. They range from simple Cigarette lighters using a wick, such as the classic Zippo to dual 'torch' style models designed to light a cigar.
Just about all quality lighters use butane, which is cheap and readily available lighter fluid you can pick up at any smoke shop or online. Some lighters actually have a fuel gauge, which is a nice feature to have.
Decide on the ignition system. The simple flint style on Zippo lighters is a timeless and proven system, it does however require replacement flints occasionally. New style lighters employ a piezo electric ignition system which is quite nice but may be prone to failure on some cheaper lighters.
Type, fuel gauge, ignition system.. Next comes engraving, if you're going to spend money on an accessory like a fine lighter you should have it engraved. This can be done after purchase but may be cheaper when you order it.
The warranty. Sometimes people overlook the warranty but you should look into this. Zippo lighters have the best warranty; you can simply return the lighter to Zippo and they will restore it to 100% factory working order without charge, forever. They have yet to charge anyone ever for a repair. This warranty does not cover the finish, only the inner workings.
To get the best price on a great lighter consider online resources, in fact there are some great links right on this page to retailers that can supply you with the best lighter at the best price possible.