Look in your local tobacconist shop for cigar boxes. They can be purchased for 50 cents to $1 at many cigar shops. Some cigar stores give the box to the person who buys the last cigar.
Cigar boxes came into being about the time of the American Civil War. Before that, they were shipped to tobacconists in barrels. The tobacconist then would bundle 50 cigars with silk string. As brands became more distinct, the boxes began to take on personalities of the companies.
Cigar boxes differ in long-term value due to the types of design, brand of cigar and the rarity. Buying the cigar box that is most elaborate in design may not prove to be the most valuable collector’s item. Some of the themes that have been popular include cowboys, nudes, Indians, animals and sports.
If you want a valuable collection, your choices will be different than if you want particular themes or boxes from specific companies. Cigar boxes are either wooden or cardboard. Most collectors desire wooden boxes. Cardboard cigar boxes need to be stored in a dry place.
If you don’t have a local tobacconist, online websites, including eBay, can give you a wide choice. They will cost more because of shipping and competition.