Things You'll Need
Choose Cigars for Your Collection
Choose your cigars by type, brand, country of origin or scarcity. Start your collection with high-quality, hand-rolled cigars. While vintage cigars may sell for thousands on the auction block, you can add good cigars to your collection for just a few dollars apiece.
Find the cigars you really want. Consult cigar guides, blogs and message boards. Read cigar reviews and rankings at websites like, which also lists a cigar almanac and specialty cigars (see Resources below).
Start your search by checking out the market for the cigars you want. You can do a lot of the research online, but you should also compare prices at local retailers.
Shop for your cigars in person. Find a local cigar store with a walk-in humidor and knowledgeable staff to answer your questions.
Maintain Your Cigar Collection
Store your cigars in a seasoned, cedar-lined humidor. If you're mixing several brands of cigars in your humidor, leave your cigars in their cellophane wrappers.
Keep a log of cigars you've added to your collection so you can refer to it when making additions.
Find and Collect Cuban Cigars Legally
Collect vintage Cuban cigars through dealers, auctions and cigar stores.
Be prepared to pay a lot for an authentic vintage Cuban cigar. This luxury item can be extremely expensive.