Decide Which Type of Cigar Box to Collect
Choose boxes by era, material or theme depicted, such as sports or politics. Boxes were often made of wood, tin, aluminum, glass, plastic and cardboard. There are many variations of markings on the boxes, from nondescript to ornate, inside and out.
Broaden your scope when you start adding novelty cigar boxes in unique shapes, like log cabins and trucks, to your collection. These novelty items would often serve other functions once emptied. More unique novelty boxes were designed to double as jewelry boxes, lunch pails, cookie jars or games storage.
Start collecting Depression-era cigar box guitars, which were made from cigar boxes, broom handles and wire. Learn more about these unique items at the Papa's Boxes website (see Resources below).
Start Your Cigar Box Collection
Shop around at garage sales, swap meets and antique stores, and don't be afraid to dig through your grandmother's basement! You can also find a good selection online, along with interesting information, price guides and articles, at websites like Herz zu Herz (see Resources below).
Maintain your collection and keep an inventory of it so you can keep track of your investment. Remember to list it on your homeowner's or apartment renter's insurance policy.