Examine the currency thoroughly. Note any damage or visible wear to the bills, as this can greatly decrease the value of the money. Tears, folds, fading or stains can all detract from the overall value of the currency. Currency kept in pristine condition or that appears to be in clean and solid condition despite its age is the most valuable.
Take your currency to a local coin shop, coin dealer or reputable coin collector to discuss the money's worth. Old currency professionals will know not only the bill's worth, but how easy it would be for you to find a buyer if you decide to sell it.
Look up the estimated value of your currency in the latest edition of "The Red Book," a yearly publication that discusses the current value and demand of American dollars and coins. You can pick up a copy at your local library or bookstore.
Search online coin auction sites or professional coin-collecting websites to determine the worth of your currency. Many websites make it easy to find the value of your currency through both images and a printed description of the currency.