Find the price of the silver in the Washington half dollar at the current silver prices. The coin contains 0.361 troy ounces of silver. Use a daily silver value guide to find the basic value of the silver in a Washington half dollar. Multiply the price per ounce by 0.361 and you will know the minimum value of the coin.
Check out numismatic listings online to get an idea as to the relative value of the coin. A listing provided by BestCoin ( is linked to in the resources section. The condition of the coin will be rated on a scale of 60 to 70, 70 being the best condition. Note that the prices do not reflect the current value of the silver, but they can provide a guide for determining the coins current value.
Take the Washington half dollar to a dealer to check out its actual value. If you are not able to do so yourself, ask the dealer to verify the condition of your coin.