A Buffalo nickel is considered by some to be good luck. If you find one, hold onto it. The coin is worth between $10 and $90,000, depending on the year it was made and its condition. The Buffalo nickel was originally issued in 1913. The coin was design by James Earl Fraser and showcases the American West. Rare coins should not be cleaned, as chemicals can damage the coin. But, if you must clean your coin, do it carefully.
- Q-tip
- Vaseline
- Olive oil
- Cloth
- Distilled water
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Blow dust away with your breath. Do not used forced air like a hair dryer.
Use a cotton swab or Q-tip to dab a layer of Vaseline on the coin or soak the coin overnight in olive oil. Dab the coin's surface with a very soft, lint-free cloth. Do not rub the coin with the cloth, dab it only.
Use distilled water to rinse. Do not use tap water. Let the coin air dry.