Look through every piece of change that comes your way. This is the only way, other than having a collection handed down to you, to acquire free collectible coins. Wheat pennies and silver dimes and quarters in particular can sometimes be found in pocket change.
Purchase proof and uncirculated coin sets and bullion coins directly from the U.S. mint's website. This is one of the safest and easiest ways to get authentic collectible coins. Once the mint has your address it will send you pamphlets and catalogs offering more coins.
Visit a coin store to purchase historical coinage. A good coin store will have a large selection of old coins many of which are officially graded. Speaking with the dealer will help you learn a lot about the hobby of collecting coins.
Go to auctions and look for good deals on collectible coins. Auctions can be a great place to get coins for cheap but you have to know about the specific coins you are bidding on in order to avoid overpaying. A good coin price guide will tell you the worth of specific coins.