Investing in rare coins could make a huge return. A collection bought in the early 1950s by collector Harold Bareford for $13,832 sold for $1.2 million in 1978 and set off a coin collecting craze, according to Austin Rare Coins.
Coins carry important historical significance. Ancient coins can tell you facts about a society, such as its rulers and languages spoken. In America, for example, the 2 cent piece -- first minted in 1863 -- included the words "In God We Trust." This moved people so much it became required on coins thereafter, according to Coin Collecting Guide for Beginners.
Other Reasons
Collecting coins can be a great way to spend time with family, suggests Vocaboly.com. With about 125 million coin collectors in the U.S. as of 2010, numismatics is booming among the youth.