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How to Care for Rare Coins

The handling, care and storage of rare coins make all the difference when it comes to maintaining their condition. Because the coins' condition is directly linked to their value, it is important to protect your investment. Storing coins in mylar holders aids in the preservation of rare coins. The use of latex gloves, PVC storage cases or wooden coin cabinets is not recommended, as they all lead to corrosion. Cleaning is also not recommended; most rare coins have tarnishing that usually adds to their value.

Things You'll Need

  • Rare coins
  • Cotton or polyethylene gloves
  • Mylar coin holders
  • Distilled water
  • Mild liquid soap
  • Cotton swaps
  • Acetone
  • Paper towel
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  1. Handling and Storage

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      Handle coins by the edges. If possible, wear cotton or polyethylene gloves to protect the coins from oils and acids found naturally on our hands that can cause corrosion.

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      Store rare coins in a controlled environment. A constant, moderate temperature and low humidity are preferable for long-term storage.

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      Place the coins in holders made with mylar. Individual coin holders, sometimes known as "flips," are made of mylar. Cardboard holders are available that are lined with mylar.


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      Remove surface dirt from coins. Use warm distilled water and mild liquid soap while wearing cotton or polyethylene gloves.

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      Rinse the coins. Use a cotton swab dipped in distilled water. Because tap water contains chlorine, and chlorine is corrosive, use only distilled water.

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      Degrease the coins. Lightly rub it with a cotton swab dipped in acetone.

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      Allow the coins to dry on a paper towel.

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