Things You'll Need
Decide which coin you are interested in. These coins come in a variety of weights and, of course, the full-ounce coins will be more expensive than 1/20-ounce coins. Some designs are more rare than others because the People's Republic of China does not mint the same number of coins every year. In 1982, for example, only 13,532 one-ounce coins were minted, but in 2010, 300,000 were minted. Because of their attractive design, these coins are often set in jewelry. If you buy your coin set in a pendant, it will be more expensive than if you bought it with no setting. It is easier to comparison shop if you know exactly which coin you want to buy.
Search for dealers that specialize in collectors' coins on search engines such as Google. Buying a coin from a reputable, experienced dealer of numismatics is the safest route to take if you are inexperienced in gold or coin collecting. If you purchase a gold coin from a reputable dealer, you should receive a guarantee of the coin's authenticity. This means if you take the coin to have it appraised and discover it is a fake, you can return it and get your money back. A professional coin dealer will probably not give you the lowest price you can find. Even if you plan to buy your coin elsewhere, however, it is still a good idea to research how much established dealers are asking for your specific coin. This way, you will be able to recognize any offer that seems too good to be true.
Check if your coin is available on Ebay. Buying a coin from Ebay is much riskier than buying one from a professional dealer, but you can probably find a much better price. When shopping for your coin on Ebay, read the advertisements very thoroughly. Some coins offered for sale are replicas. Look for clues the coins may be fake, such as inaccurate information (such as claims the coins were produced in 14-carat gold) and be sure the design on the coin matches the year that design was in production. Protect yourself by buying only from Power Sellers who have good reviews from satisfied customers and be sure the other reviews relate to coin purchases. If you cannot find the coin you are interested in, try contacting a coin dealer with your request. A dealer may be able to find your coin or recommend another who can help you.