Things You'll Need
Gold Coins
Fill a pot on the stove three-quarters of the way full with distilled water. Add four or five drops of mild liquid dish soap to the water and bring to a slight boil.
Add the gold coin to the boiling water and allow it to boil until the dirt has been dislodged. Be careful not to allow the pot to boil dry. The boiling action will agitate the coin and remove the dirt.
Remove the coin from the water and rinse in distilled water to remove any soap residue.
Pat dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Do not rub or polish the coin to avoid scratching the surface.
Store in a sulfur-free coin envelope to prevent future soiling.
Silver Coins
Fill a bowl with enough white distilled vinegar to submerge the coin.
Place the silver coin in the bowl and allow it to soak until any dirt has been dislodged.
Rinse the coin in distilled water to remove any vinegar residue.
Pat dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Do not rub or polish to prevent scratching the surface.
Store in a sulfur-free coin envelope to prevent future tarnishing.