Things You'll Need
Get a good coin price guide and study it. These guides can be bought at most coin stores and book stores, and they are an invaluable tool. Take your guide with you when buying rare coins so you can check on the value of coins that you may want.
Locate your local coin dealer or find a coin auction in your area. Coins can also be bought at flea markets, but be cautious about buying from an unauthorized source. This warning also applies to auctions, but you are more likely to get a good deal at an auction.
Visit the coin shop or auction (if possible) and examine the coins before you buy them. This way you know what coins are in stock and their condition. At a coin shop, you can talk directly to the dealer about the coins you want.
Purchase your coins. If buying at an auction, know what you are willing to pay for a coin before the auction starts. Buying rare coins from a coin store is as simple asking the dealer to sell you the coins you want.