Things You'll Need
Look at the date on the coins. The value of a Mexican proof set is in large part dependent on the date on the coins, which represents the year in which the coins were produced and sold. The date is typically found on the obverse (front) below the bust.
Look the coins up in a World or Mexican coin book. Most libraries and book stores have either a book on Mexican coins, North American coins, or the more general World coin books. As most of these sets are 20th century, the "Krause Standard Catalog of World Coins, 1901-2000 edition," is a good resource. It is published every year. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. Go to Mexico, and proof sets will be listed in the back.
Check to see if all of the coins are there. The primary value of a proof set is that it is a set. Make sure that there are no missing coins.
Find your set in the book. The estimated retail value will be listed.