Silver Nickels
From mid-1942 until 1945, the U.S. government made nickels out of 35 percent silver. They are fairly common and not worth much more than face value. If they are in uncirculated condition they are worth a few dollars each.
Silver Dimes
All dimes minted in 1964 or earlier are made out of 90 percent silver. Most are worth a few dollars each. A 1916-D silver dime is worth more than $15,000 in uncirculated condition.
Silver Quarters
All quarters minted in 1964 or earlier are made out of 90 percent silver. The 1932-D and 1932-S quarters are worth more than $100 each, while common date silver quarters are worth about $12 each.
Silver Half Dollars
All half dollars minted in 1964 or earlier are made out of 90 percent silver. A 1916 S silver Walking Liberty half dollar could be worth as much as $4,000. Kennedy half dollars minted between 1965 and 1970 are made out of 40 percent silver. They are worth a few dollars each.
Silver Dollars
The U.S. Mint stopped making silver dollar coins in 1935. Even poor examples of common date coins are worth more than $20 each. An 1893-S Morgan silver dollar sold for more than $1 million in 2008.