Weigh your junk silver coins or jewelry using the most accurate digital scale that you have access to, then convert the weight to troy ounces. One oz. is equal to 0.9115 troy ounces, and 1 troy ounce is equal to 31.1 grams.
Multiply the weight of your collection in troy ounces by the purity of the silver to determine the number of troy ounces of pure silver. For example, sterling silver jewelry has a purity of 0.925. Silver U.S. half dollars, quarters, and dimes minted in 1964 and before are 0.900 pure, and U.S. half dollars minted between 1965 and 1969 are 0.400 pure.
Visit one of the websites listed in the "Resources" section of this article to obtain the current value of silver. Multiply the value of silver by the weight of your collection in troy ounces to determine its approximate value.