Things You'll Need
Take a small amount of baking soda and put it between your index finger and thumb. Rub it together a bit to ensure that you have enough. Put a penny between these two fingers and begin rubbing.
Rub for as long as it takes to remove the deposits. This is a more effective method than salt and vinegar because it doesn't do damage to the coin like the salt and vinegar would do.
Rinse the coin after rubbing and observe. If the coin still appears very black, try taking the baking soda, putting it on your fingers and then adding a little moisture. The mix of water and baking soda will help get the baking soda inside the molecules of the grime and itch it off.
If the above methods don't work, then use the salt and vinegar method. Add 1 to 2 tsp. of salt into half a cup of vinegar. Dip your pennies in and wait 20 seconds.
Remove them from the mixture and immediately rinse off. This should result in a clean penny, but it might be a little pink, which is why using baking soda as the first method is the better choice.