Perfect Uncirculated (MS-70)
This is the finest quality of coin possible and regular-issue coins are almost never found in this condition. Instead, these are the coins often pulled from limited edition sets in which they were sold in protective cases or sleeves. There is no trace of wear with this condition or evidence of handling or contact with other coins.
Gem Uncirculated (MS-65)
This coin is brilliantly forged and has few contact marks on the rim or the surface.
Choice Uncirculated (MS-63)
This coin can have some distracting contact marks or blemishes on it. The luster may also be impaired, taking away from its shine.
Uncirculated (MS-60)
A coin in this condition can have a number of contact marks, but it can have no trace of wear. The surface can be spotted and the coin may lack some luster.
This term implies mint condition and applies to the coins that come in proof sets from the U.S. Mint. They are distinguished by a mirrorlike shine on the surface and sharpness of detail. The highest grade within the proof category is Gem Proof (PF-65), which implies a brilliant surface with no noticeable flaws. A coin that is Choice Proof (PF-63) has no major flaws, but can have some blemishes on the coin.