Go to an antique store or shop in your area. While these shops may not necessarily specialize in selling old coins, you may get lucky and find one or two, and the shop owner may also direct you to trustworthy coin dealers in your area.
Contact certified coin dealers. You can search for them in the phonebook or on-line using your favorite search engine. You can also click the authorized-dealers link in the references section at the end of this article to find certified professionals.
Visit (see references below). Visit the homepage and click the "Coin Store" tab on the left side of the page. Once you do, a variety of coins will appear in the middle of the screen. You can also click the shopping links on the left side of the page to search for specific old coins.
Check out the Heritage Auction Galleries Web site ( Scroll down the page to find links to different types of old coins, such as buffalo nickels and three-dollar gold pieces. After you click a link you will find numerous different old coins listed.
Shop on You will need to search for a specific coin (or coins) here, as searching for "old coins" on will yield far too many results to browse through. By searching for a particular old coin you can limit your results and make your search much easier.