Contact local antiques shops throughout your area. While the owners may not specialize in rare coins, they may have enough knowledge to help you find the values of your rare coins or be able to lead you to a rare coins expert. To save yourself what could be an unnecessary trip, it's wise to call or email the owner of the antiques store before stopping in.
Search for the values of your rare coins in a coin collecting book. Just as Beckett books list the values of rare baseball cards, the values of rare coins can be found in coin pricing guides. One such guide is "The Official Red Book." This book can be purchased online (see Resources below). You can also find the book at most public libraries.
Reach out to a certified coin dealer. These people specialize in trading, collecting and selling rare coins. You can find a list of dealers in the Resources section below. These individuals may also be listed in your phone book.
Look for your rare coins on the Heritage Auction Galleries website. You can find the values of numerous rare coins directly on the homepage (see Resources section). You can also search for your rare coins by using the links at the top of the page. You can contact Heritage Auction Galleries over the phone by calling (800) 872-6467.
Search for your rare coins on eBay. Doing so will let you see how much your rare coins are going for on the market. This information can be very useful if you are attempting to price and then sell your rare coins.