Look for coin collecting groups online or in your own community. This is a great way to learn more about the hobby of coin collecting.
Research specific coins you are interested in. Certain limited additions coins have particular nuances about them make them more collectible and valuable. For example, the Capped Bust and Sitting Liberty coins minted in Philadelphia from 1793 to the present.
Visit coin collecting shows to get first hand information about the hobby of coin collecting. People who enjoy the pastime are ready and willing to talk about their collections and how they got started.
Prepare a spreadsheet as you start your collection. Record information like date, mint and coin type. Keep this information in a secure place.
Find rare silver dollar coins available at online auction websites. Do your research before hand in order to know what an appropriate bid would be.
Purchase updated versions of coin collecting books each year to stay current on coin values and what is selling in the coin collecting market.