Look for coins struck at the Dahlonega Mint that have a "D" mint marking. These coins were produced for over 24 years and came in gold dollars, quarter dollar eagles and half dollar eagles. The Pre-Civil War minting did very few gold coins and any found today are very rare.
Watch for coins struck in Charlotte that have a "C" mint marking. This branch set their record for production in 1847 when 84,151 five dollar gold pieces were minted. Production decreased in the years following, so any coins from this mint are considered very rare.
Check coin collector shows for coins from the New Orleans Mint. From 1838 or 1861 gold coins were minted in limited quantities. During the Civil War the Confederates took over the New Orleans Mint and no coins were minted there again until 1879.
Consider historic gold pieces from the Carson City, Nevada Mint. One very popular coin from this mint is the $20 Liberty Gold Coin. This coin was issued in 1850 and is almost one ounce of pure gold.