Things You'll Need
Hang the poster on a towel rack in your bathroom using clothespins. Fill your bathtub halfway full with steaming hot water.
Close all windows in your bathroom and shut the door. Allow the poster to hang in the steamy bathroom for 15 to 20 minutes. The humidity will release most wrinkles and creases naturally.
Place the poster on a firm, flat surface and cover it with a piece of cotton fabric. Set your iron to its "Cotton" setting and allow it to warm up for several minutes.
Iron the entire piece of fabric using long, smooth passes. The heat from the iron will penetrate the cotton and smooth out any remaining wrinkles in the movie poster.
Flip the poster over, replace the fabric and repeat the ironing process.
Remove the poster from beneath the fabric and hang or store as desired. To avoid further wrinkling, avoid folding the poster in any way. If you will be storing it, roll it up tightly and place it in a poster tube.