Visit the Academy's website and go to their "Posters and Books" category. As of 2010, you'll find on sale for $25 a 24x40 inch print of the most recent poster featuring Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. You can buy online, by post or even visit the Academy store in person.
Browse Internet auction sites, searching categories such as "Memorabilia," "Posters" and "Paper and Ephemera" as well as "Cinema." Look for a dealer who inspires confidence by having a range of cinema-related items for sale.
Type "Oscar poster" and "cinema memorabilia" into your search engine. Scan through the results, hunting for sites which use words such as "original" and "authentic." You should find a range of Oscar posters for sale.
Join an online forum for news of specialist cinema memorabilia auctions in your area. Movie Poster Forum is a useful and regularly updated site. Type "Oscar poster auction" and the name of your region into their search engine.