Hobbies And Interests

How to Identify Civil War Uniform Buttons

Civil War buttons are interesting artifacts, with diverse specimens representing regiments from many states and revealing a soldier's rank, whether it be private or officer. Military uniform buttons from this period are intricate and ornamental, inscribed with regimental insignias and state seals. Identifying a uniform button from the Civil War era (1861 to 1865) requires careful scrutiny of different criteria such as design, material and manufacturer markings.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnifying glass
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      Identify the design on the front of the button. It should have a state seal, which was incorporated into the button on Civil War uniforms.

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      Examine the button composition. Most Civil War uniform buttons were made of brass, silver plate or pewter. Brass is the most common.

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      Inspect the shank on the back of the button. The shank is a small loop used to attach the button with thread. The way the shank is attached indicates the era in which the button was manufactured. Civil War era buttons usually show a circular depression at the base of the button around the shank. A small, very round shank "eye" also indicates a Civil War period button. Shanks inset into holes in the button didn't happen until after World War I.

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      Inspect the button's "back mark." This is lettering on the back of the button which identifies the button manufacturer. Scovill &Co. Waterbury, Manufacturing was the most prolific military uniform button manufacturer during the Civil War. W.H. Horstmann &Sons was another popular button maker during that era.

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