Research the value of the unopened box of baseball cards. Determine the brand as well as the approximate age of the cards. Also consider the players who would be featured on the trading cards. If, for example, that year was the rookie year of a player who later became a Hall of Fame player, that might greatly increase the value of the set. You can start your research at online sites for baseball cards; such as
Attend a sports collector or sports card show, and talk to exhibitors and collectors about the value of your box of cards. You might be able to get an appraisal, or even an offer to buy your cards.
Post the cards for sale on an online auction site. You can choose a general site, which handles a wide variety of merchandise, or a site that specializes in sports cards or memorabilia.
Advertise the unopened box of baseball cards in a classified advertisement. Choose either a general-circulation newspaper or a newspaper for collectors.
Visit a local trading card or sports memorabilia store. You can gather additional information on the value of your cards, and you also might be able to sell them on consignment at the store. However, if you choose to sell them on consignment, make sure you completely understand the agreement before you leave the cards with the store.